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For those gamers having probelms connecting with Nintendo’s WiiConnect24 service, recieving either 52030 or 32002 errors, this is for you. Try changing your router channel to 11 or 1. If you are already using one of these channels, try using an alternative channel. If your router and/or computer is near a cordless phone, you should turn it off just to see if it plays a part in your errors.

Linksys WRT54G routers
-Enter the ip address of the router (default –
-Enter username and password (default – admin/admin)
-Click wireless tab
-Select a different wireless channel from the drop box

If neither one of these methods work out to fix your problem, simply content Nintendo directly with the information provided below:

Need more help?
Call: 1-800-255-3700

SOURCE: Wii’re Gamers

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